I watched parts
of the Republican National Convention this week. I endured all 75 minutes of
Donald Trump’s dark and disconcerting acceptance speech Thursday evening. For a
while I was almost certain I had been transported in time and space to Germany,
circa 1933.
It wasn’t just
the ultranationalism. It wasn’t just the painting of the American canvas in
such gloomy tones that our only hope of a less dismal future lay in an
authoritarian egomaniac with delusions of omnipotence. It wasn’t just the
veiled threats against those he blames for our awful predicament. It wasn’t
just the pure propaganda that is so internally inconsistent as to be absurd
when viewed dispassionately. It wasn’t just the bald-faced lies presented as
truth. It wasn’t just the open belligerence and the promise of yet another war
to conquer foreign enemies. It wasn’t just the vacuous promises of law and
order and safety that he cannot deliver on without stealing the freedoms he
claims to want to preserve. It wasn’t even the fact that moral high ground was
being claimed by a spectacularly immoral man. It was the reaction of the
mindless crowd. Cheering. Chanting un-American, unconstitutional, and
embarrassingly evil threats.
“Lock her up!”
was a favorite, referring of course to Hillary Clinton, who has been thoroughly
investigated and found careless but not criminal. What is shocking, though, is
to hear this sort of chant from a crowd that supports a man who “has been sued
at least 60 times by individuals and businesses who accuse him of failing to
pay for work done at his various properties,”1 who is currently
being sued for defrauding students at Trump University, and who has been accused
twice of rape and sued once for multiple acts of attempted rape. One rape
accusation was made by Trump’s first wife, Ivana (and included a violent
physical assault over a botched scalp reduction job by a cosmetic surgeon
recommended by Mrs. Trump); the billionaire’s former wife changed her tune
after a divorce settlement that likely required such a retraction. The
attempted rape accusation was made by the wife of a business associate who
dropped her lawsuit (but not her accusation) after Trump settled a separate
suit brought by the victim’s husband. Most troubling, though, is the current lawsuit
brought by a woman who accuses Trump and his buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, now a
level 3 registered sex offender, of raping her multiple times in 1994 when she
was thirteen.2 But even if Trump is convicted in a court of law of
being both a crook and a criminal, that is not what makes him particularly perilous
to our great American experiment.
As NBC’s Nicolle
Wallace put it after Trump’s speech, “Listening to this, I was struck by two
things I always believed during my two decades in Republican politics. One, the
voters always get it right, and two, the Republican Party that I worked for for
two decades died in this room tonight.”3 If you were listening
carefully, more than that died. We’ve entered new and dangerous territory as an
American people. And no, the danger isn’t any of the things Trump railed
against. The danger is Trump himself.
As former world
chess champion and dissident Russian politician Gary Kasparov put it, “I’ve
heard this sort of speech a lot in the last 15 years and trust me, it doesn’t
sound any better in Russian.”4
I’ve seen the question
asked recently, How exactly does fascism infect and then conquer a society?
Well, we witnessed a textbook case during the entire Republican National
Convention. Fortunately, we still have time to reject it if enough of us can
come to our senses before November. Yes, a large majority of Americans find
Trump repugnant. But if enough of us stay away from the polls or vote for some
third-party candidate in protest, we may just be inviting a future none of us
want. You think I’m overreacting? Let me quote Adam Gopnik from the New Yorker:
“As I have written before, to
call [Trump] a fascist of some variety is simply to use a historical label that
fits. The arguments about whether he meets every point in some static fascism
matrix show a misunderstanding of what that ideology involves. It is the
essence of fascism to have no single fixed form—an attenuated form of
nationalism in its basic nature, it naturally takes on the colors and practices
of each nation it infects. In Italy, it is bombastic and neoclassical in form;
in Spain, Catholic and religious; in Germany, violent and romantic. It took
forms still crazier and more feverishly sinister, if one can imagine, in
Romania, whereas under Oswald Mosley, in England, its manner was predictably
paternalistic and aristocratic. It is no surprise that the American face of
fascism would take on the forms of celebrity television and the casino
greeter’s come-on, since that is as much our symbolic scene as nostalgic
re-creations of Roman splendors once were Italy’s.
“What all forms of fascism have in common is the
glorification of the nation, and the exaggeration of its humiliations, with
violence promised to its enemies, at home and abroad; the worship of power
wherever it appears and whoever holds it; contempt for the rule of law and for
reason; unashamed employment of repeated lies as a rhetorical strategy; and a
promise of vengeance for those who feel themselves disempowered by history. It
promises to turn back time and take no prisoners. That it can appeal to those
who do not understand its consequences is doubtless true. But the first job of
those who do understand is to state what those consequences invariably are.
Those who think that the underlying institutions of American government are
immunized against it fail to understand history. In every historical situation
where a leader of Trump’s kind comes to power, normal safeguards collapse. Ours
are older and therefore stronger? Watching the rapid collapse of the Republican
Party is not an encouraging rehearsal. Donald Trump has a chance to seize
Thank goodness I
am not a Republican. I have no moral dilemma about whether to support Trump or
not. But I have a moral obligation to warn others about what he represents.
Yes, Hillary Clinton is a flawed and mistrusted candidate. Yes, she has been
careless and overly protective of her privacy. Frankly, I don’t blame her for
that, considering what she has endured. And yes, many of you have been taught
over the years to hate her. But she is a benign and mostly harmless cyst
compared to the malignant tumor that is Donald Trump. A Clinton presidency
would be predictable and quite possibly beneficial to the American people. A
Trump presidency would also be predictable, but in a terrifying way. Beneficial?
Not a chance.
Everyone already
knows The Donald has shamelessly lied and bullied and insulted his way to the
top of one of our two powerful political parties. Everyone knows that he has
divided the party. Nevertheless, most members of the Republican establishment
have caved in and reluctantly supported him. They are spineless and have now surrendered
even any pretense to the high moral standing they once claimed. And even though
they may secretly hope that Trump will be defeated and the GOP will return to
its normally dysfunctional and directionless self after the election, they are
playing with fire. As much as I detest Ted Cruz and nearly everything he stands
for, I admit that I grudgingly admired his public refusal to support Trump,
even though I understand well enough that Cruz is not doing this on principle
alone. Mitt Romney and John Kasich and others have likewise turned away from endorsing
him. Still others, like Mia Love, have merely hidden from him, hoping to escape
the dark shadow he might cast over their own electoral hopes. But this is not
enough. To defeat him, all of these dissenters need to swallow the bitter pill
and throw their support behind Hillary, because sitting this one out just isn’t
an option.
* * *
So, let’s look at
what actually went down Thursday evening during those dreadful 75 minutes.
Trump did exactly what he had to do to convince frightened and angry American
voters to give him the most powerful position in the world. He inflated
troubles into crises. He played on the fears and angers and, yes, the racist
tendencies of his followers and told them he was the only answer to all these
horrible failures of democracy. Yes, of democracy. Because what Trump is
proposing is not democracy. Please understand this.
He promised first
and foremost to make America safe again. Safe from terrorists, at home and
abroad. Safe from mass shootings. Safe from illegal aliens, even from those who
only accidentally kill people in automobile accidents (look it up). Safe from
police shootings and from those who shoot police. So, how is he going to do
this? Well, he didn’t say. He never gives specifics, either because he doesn’t
really have any or because he knows his listeners would reject them out of
hand. But let’s be honest. In order to stop the violence in American society
(which, by the way, is at historic lows right now, except in a few large
cities), he really has only two possible solutions, which during implementation
usually morph into one: (1) create a police state or (2) take your guns away.
The only truly safe societies are those like the former Soviet Union (ever
wonder why Trump is so high on Putin?). And did I mention that Adolf Hitler
promised to restore law and order as part of his rise to power? Trump is
likewise trying to situate himself as the law-and-order candidate. It’s a very
appealing promise to those who don’t understand what it entails.
And here you
conservatives have been all paranoid about Obama coming to “get your guns.” President
Obama would never do this. He respects the Constitution, but he understands
that it can be (and until recently has been) interpreted in ways that permit
reasonable limits on certain freedoms (like banning military-style weapons and
requiring more stringent background checks, two ideas that a huge portion of
American voters, even Republicans, favor, but that can’t get past the NRA-cowed
Congress). Trump declared his allegiance to the Second Amendment Thursday
evening, but if he intends to make America safe again (and on the day he takes
the oath of office, according to his own inflated rhetoric), he really has no
choice. Tough talk isn’t going to deter either the home-grown radicals or the
deranged and broken souls who feel compelled to create carnage for whatever
What Trump is
promising is a federal takeover of what has always been a state and local
responsibility: police protection. This is, needless to say, not Republican.
And neither was virtually everything else he offered in his dark diatribe. He’s
going after ISIS, certainly with boots on the ground. Another Middle East war
that we can neither afford nor stomach nor win in the long run, as Iraq and
Afghanistan have taught us. He’s going to expand our already oversized
military. Even though we spend more than the next ten countries combined.6
He is also going to provide more and better educational opportunities and take
better care of our veterans. He’s going to fix our crumbling infrastructure.
And of course, he’s going to build that yuge and ineffective wall that Mexico
surely will not pay for. All of this
and more should warn conservatives that Trump is not a small-government Republican.
And he’s going to do all this with a massive decrease in tax revenue. This may be the one element of his plan
that is vintage GOP. He’s offering modest tax cuts to the middle class (less to
the lower class, because they don’t pay much income tax anyway). But what he
doesn’t say is that the wealthy will once again make off like bandits, with tax
savings for the top 1 percent estimated at nearly 100 times what the middle 20
percent will see. This is why experts have projected that his economic
proposals will cost us $12 trillion over the next decade.7
But here’s the
catch. You can’t really believe anything Trump that comes out of Trump’s mouth.
Everything he says is calculated only to mow down everyone and everything in
his path to ultimate power. What he actually might do once in office is
anybody’s guess. My own guess is that he will continue to act exactly as he has
acted in his personal life, in his career, and in his campaign. Which is a frightening
* * *
Many Republicans
are asking themselves how on earth their party came to this particular end. The
answer is simple. The GOP has been heading toward Trump for some time now. He
just came sooner than they were expecting. With all the right-wing bluster
about American exceptionalism, the step from patriotism to nationalism was very
Next, all the
antigovernment rhetoric coming from Republicans over the past decade or so has
made a large portion of the GOP angry and resentful of any government “insiders,” a group that just happens to include all
the Republican Party elite. Couple this with the fact that Republicans have
created a dysfunctional Congress by refusing to work with their colleagues
across the aisle and by making “compromise” a derogatory term, and that left
the door wide open for a true outsider, a self-promoter with no government
experience who claims to be able to “fix” government.
A third key that
opened the door to the Orange One was the Republican Party’s determination from
day one to oppose virtually everything President Obama sought to accomplish,
even a health-care plan that came straight from conservative think tanks and
practical applications (Romneycare). In reality, President Obama has been an
unusually careful and thoughtful president, who has often outmaneuvered his
obstructionist opponents and along the way has somehow accomplished a great
deal of good for the country. History will likely be very kind to him and his
legacy. He entered office with the economy in freefall and the financial sector
in a deep freeze. He took calculated risks and (unlike Europe) promoted sound
economic policy, and the results have been positive, if not spectacular. The
results would have been better if he had had some cooperation from the GOP, but
they put partisanship ahead of the good of the American people and opposed
sensible proposals at crucial times, even shutting down the government once in
a tantrum over Obamacare. In spite of Republican shenanigans, though, the
economy has been performing well for a good long time now, and unemployment is
low, although if Obama had had his way there would be less inequality. But he
has had to deal with a particularly pernicious economic zombie, supply-side
economics, which has acted as a ball and chain on the economy’s collective
ankle. Still, things are so much better now than when Obama took office that it
places the Republicans in a bind. In order to convince voters that they should
be put in charge of the economy, they have to engage in apocalyptic scare
tactics, painting things as bleakly as they possibly can. And this sort of
negativism plays directly into the hands of someone like Donald Trump. In
reality, most of the problems we’re facing in the economy are the result of
such factors as low tax rates on the wealthy, corporate greed, a minimum wage
stuck in the 1950s, and forced austerity measures in a time of low interest
rates. These are all Republican issues (except greed, which tends to be
universal). But the Repubs have painted themselves into a corner, and so their
only option is to double down on dysfunctional economic ideas like even more
tax cuts for billionaires and a blanket refusal to even connect the minimum
wage to inflation indexes.
There are other
factors that have led to the rise of Trumpism, such as a lingering undercurrent
of racism, xenophobia, and misogyny that runs through a particular segment of
conservative America. Trump read this undercurrent perfectly and has played it
to his advantage. Not surprisingly, Sunday’s Deseret News printed an article reporting that white supremacists
were thrilled with Trump’s convention speech.8
So here we are.
The Republican Party, as we have known it, is no more. As party insiders
admitted in 2013, the GOP needed to change. But not in this way. It did not
need to become the Grand Old National Socialist Party. We can only hope this
new party is as inept as it is frightening and will lose this presidential
election in a grand old landslide.
1. Fox News, “Dozens of Lawsuits Accuse Trump of Not Paying
His Bills, Reports Claim,” http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/06/10/dozens-lawsuits-accuse-trump-not-paying-his-bills-reports-claim.html.
First time I think I’ve ever quoted Fox News!
2. The details on the current rape accusation are especially
troubling, because apparently the alleged victim has a witness who worked for
Epstein, finding adolescent girls for his parties, and witnessed several of the
assaults. Trump had this to say about Epstein: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years.
Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes
beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” See
Lisa Bloom, “Why the New Rape Case Filed against Donald Trump Should Not Be
Ignored,” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-bloom/why-the-new-child-rape-ca_b_10619944.html.
3. See, among many other sources, Scott Whitlock, “Networks
on Trump: A ‘Dark Speech’ from a ‘Vengeful’ ‘Demagogue,” http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/scott-whitlock/2016/07/22/networks-trump-dark-speech-vengeful-demagogue.
4. James Griffiths, “World Reacts to Donald Trump’s
Acceptance Speech,” http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/22/politics/donald-trump-rnc-speech-world-reacts/.
5. Adam Gopnik, “Being Honest about Trump,” New Yorker, June 14, 2016.
6. See International Institute for Strategic Studies, “Top 15
Defence Budgets, 2015,” https://www.iiss.org/-/media//images/publications/the%20military%20balance/milbal2016/mb%202016%20top%2015%20defence%20budgets%202015.jpg?la=en.
A different estimate by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
shows the U.S. budget being larger than the next eight countries, but two
(Russia and Saudi Arabia) of the countries include expenditure for public order
and safety and may be overstated.
7. Citizens for Tax Justice, “Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Will
Cost $12 Trillion,” http://ctj.org/ctjreports/2016/03/donald_trumps_tax_plan_would_cost_12_trillion.php#.V5QPMqKleVo.
8. Steve Peoples, “Energized White Supremacists Cheer Trump’s
Convention Message,” Deseret News,
July 24, 2016, A14.