I was reading the
Book of Mormon a few days ago and came to Alma 16:16. Alma and Amulek had gone
out preaching repentance, the result being that “the establishment of the
church became general throughout the land.” One specific consequence of this
work was that “there was no inequality among them.” This is, of course, a
common theme in scripture. Wherever the gospel is accepted and practiced, the
result is (ideally) no rich or poor, economic equality. Joseph Smith and
Brigham Young spent years trying to make this ideal work among the Latter-day
Saints, and, although they had minimal success in the long run, I think both
would be rather shocked at the attitude among many twenty-first-century Mormons
about economic equality (or perhaps I should say against economic equality).
A small minority
of Latter-day Saints belong to a political party that would do more if it could
to increase equality in the United States. The vast majority, on the other
hand, belong to a party that has either (1) ignored the runaway inequality we
are experiencing, (2) claimed that it is not a problem to worry about, or (3)
extolled the virtues of such inequality. Consequently, this party’s proposed (and
already enacted) economic policies actually encourage even greater inequality.
I find it odd that most Mormons, despite their scriptures and their history,
are so opposed to policies that would increase equality in the land. I find
even more odd the convoluted arguments they put forth to justify their
politics. These arguments include the notion that economic freedom is the
highest among several competing values and that taxing people is “forcing” them
to be “charitable.” Another argument is that increasing the minimum wage is a
bad thing, even though it is, in real terms, where it was when I was born, and
various real-life experiments with increasing it at the state level have failed
to produce the dire consequences predicted by conservative theorists. By
contrast, the absolutely abysmal performance of supply-side policies is well
documented, but this does not stop conservatives from ignoring the facts in
either case. One very popular conservative idea is the flat tax. If there was
ever a gift-wrapped gratuity going from the poor to the rich, this is it. Most
millionaires would grin in delight over this one, but not all. A group calling
itself Patriotic Millionaires are calling for Congress to stop giving special
tax breaks to the wealthy and to require them to pay their fair share. The
cherry on the top of this collection of conservative arguments for greater
inequality is the fact that many, many online Mormon commenters have stated
that they see nothing wrong with the idea that in our capitalist system people
of industry can make as much money as is humanly possible (even if it comes by
paying their employees less than a living wage). These commenters apparently
don’t see the larger ramifications of their attitude.
The Dual Pay System
Back in 1993,
when I was doing a fair amount of writing about economics, I came across a book
by Peter Block titled Stewardship:
Choosing Service over Self-Interest. In this book, Block describes our
particular version of capitalism as a dual-pay system. In essence, with a few
notable exceptions, there are two groups of people in America—those who are
paid as much as possible and those who are paid as little as possible.
The small group
that is paid as much as possible is composed of the owners and controllers of
capital. These would be primarily the large stockholders, corporate executives,
and entrepreneurs who benefit from profits generated by their business
interests. Now, before someone comes up with the brilliant observation that
stock ownership in America is widespread, let me nip that misconception in the
bud. In 2010, the top 1 percent owned 35 percent of all stock; the next 19
percent owned 56.6 percent. That left 8.4 percent of all stock for the poorest
80 percent of the population. And the trend isn’t moving toward greater
dispersion of wealth. The numbers in 2001 were, respectively, 33.5 percent,
55.8 percent, and 10.7 percent. No one should be surprised by this trend.
capital is a big deal. It means not only that you can be paid as much as
possible and funnel an ever-increasing portion of the created wealth into your
own pockets, but also that your wealth gives you disproportionate influence
over government policy, which means that you also benefit disproportionately
from those policies. This is too obvious to even spend much time on, but we can
see the results from what has happened in America since Ronald Reagan
implemented the wealth-friendly policies that we collectively term supply-side
economics. G. William Domhoff, a professor at UC Santa Cruz, puts it this way:
“Here are some dramatic facts that sum up how the wealth distribution became
even more concentrated between 1983 and 2004, in good part due to the tax cuts
for the wealthy and the defeat of labor unions: Of all the new financial wealth
created by the American economy in that 21-year-period, fully 42% of it went to
the top 1%. A whopping 94% went to the top 20%, which of course means that the
bottom 80% received only 6% of all the new financial wealth generated in the
United States during the ’80s, ’90s, and early 2000s.”2 So,
predictably, the minority that is paid as much as possible is doing very well,
thank you.
But what about
the other group? Well, it doesn’t take much imagination to see what’s going on
here. But sometimes we don’t understand why. The vast majority of American
workers fall into this second category and are paid as little as employers can
get away with. Let me put this as crassly as I can. These people are human
resources. And what is a resource? It is a thing that is used to produce
something else, and when it is used up, it is discarded or replaced. These
people are, quite simply, a cost to be minimized. They are merely a factor in
the production equation. In a former life, I spent nine years teaching
production and operations management at BYU’s Marriott School. Most of what I
taught was applied math. But behind the mathematical models, if you looked
carefully, were certain assumptions. And this was a primary one: labor is a
cost to be minimized, if at all possible. This is why businesses ship jobs off
to Third World countries and replace people with technology. Labor is a number.
And we’re not talking
about just blue-collar types here. I remember several years ago, when many of
my neighbors were employed by a high-tech behemoth in the area. Quite
frequently, they would be informed that cuts in the workforce were coming, and
they would wonder if their heads would be on the chopping block with each new
wave of layoffs. Eventually, most of them were guillotined. And these were
programmers and project managers and technical writers and other relatively
high-paid white-collar employees. Why were they laid off? Was the company in
dire financial straits? Hardly. It was making money hand over fist. The labor
cuts were entirely cosmetic, simply to make the numbers look better, which
would boost the stock price, which, in turn, would increase the wealth of those
who get paid as much as possible. It was all about the numbers.
We often use
demeaning terms to refer to this second group. One is human resource. Another is labor
market. Think about it. What is a market? It is a place where things are
bought and sold. In this case, people. Companies are buying, but who is
selling? Well, people are selling themselves, and there is more than a whiff of
economic prostitution in this whole arrangement. I can’t tell you how many
times I heard the business students admonished to market themselves well, to
package themselves better (dress for success), to hone their marketable skills.
Most of them thought this was great advice. Certainly, presenting yourself well
to others is a positive thing, but when we use the terms of the marketplace to
liken human beings to things like pork bellies, toothpaste, or Pontiacs, we
turn them into something they are not (or at least should not be): commodities.
The main point
here, though, is pay. People are being paid as little as possible for the
simple reason that they are not viewed as human beings. They are just products
in the labor market. The dual pay system I described above is evidenced by the
fact that wages for the bottom 80 percent of Americans have stagnated for the
past thirty years while the wealth of the top 10 percent, and especially the
top 1 percent, has increased substantially. When you have a majority of the
population who are paid as little as the market will bear, you have a situation
where the imbalance in wealth will eventually come back to haunt you. And we
are already there in America, which is why Bernie Sanders’s message has hit
home with so many younger voters. They can see what their elders have done to
them (that would be my generation). You might think Bernie is a bit of a
crackpot. He’s certainly a one-note symphony. But don’t fool yourselves. Bernie
is the tip of the iceberg. And when the angry and undereducated finally figure
out that Trump is selling snake oil, they might just start to see the sense in
what Bernie has been preaching from his peripatetic pulpit.
The Plight of the 90 Percent
So, what happens
in an economy when almost all the wealth accumulates in the hands of a small
minority—say, the top 10 percent? Well, to begin with, you start having an
imbalance between supply and demand. The wealthy tend to not spend
proportionally on consumer goods like the consumer classes do. I mean, how many
computers or cars or chainsaws will you buy, even if you’re a billionaire? How
much food can you eat? Yes, the wealthy buy more expensive items, but the whole
point of being wealthy in our society is not how much you can spend. The point
for the wealthy is how much they can invest, so that they can accumulate even
more wealth. And if good productive investments are not available, they tend to
invest in speculative financial instruments.
I’m not saying
that not spending all their money is bad or that investment is an unproductive
use of their wealth. What I am saying is that the unrelenting aggregation of
wealth at the top has negative effects on the economy in general. When too much
wealth goes to the top, not enough goes to the consumer classes (middle and
lower), and they simply can’t purchase enough stuff to keep the corporations
and their owners happy. Insufficient demand will stifle an economy, regardless
of how much supply-side impetus you pump into the system.
And this brings
us to the plight of the 90 percent. The one lesson that has been pounded into
the heads of the consumer classes is that it is their responsibility to
consume, to spend, not to save. They are responsible for keeping corporate
America in business. But starting with Reagan, when tax cuts, opposition to
unions, and the easing of restrictions on corporations started the massive
shift of wealth from the bottom and the middle to the top, average American
families have had an increasingly difficult time maintaining their standard of
living (or, you might say, purchasing all the stuff corporations need them to
buy). So these strapped consumers have employed three sequential strategies to
keep their heads above water. First, women entered the workforce, which gave
many families two wage earners. Next, when that option wasn’t enough, both men
and women started working either extra jobs or longer hours. Finally, when they
still couldn’t make ends meet, they started purchasing more on credit. That
strategy blew up in 2008 with the housing bubble, the financial crash, and the
Great Recession. Since then, we’ve had a tepid recovery, and although many have
tried to pin this on Obama, if you want to blame a president, you’d really have
to go all the way back to Reagan, who started this particular ball rolling.
President Obama has actually done an admirable job considering the withering
opposition he has faced from an intractable Republican Party.
consequence of this shift in wealth actually has ramifications far into the
future, especially regarding the national debt, which Republicans have been
seriously worried about (although not so much in practice as in rhetoric and
not so much now as a few years ago, which may tell us something about how
serious they really were in the first place). This particular consequence is
the fact that 31 percent of Americans, and nearly 20 percent of those ages 55
to 64, have no retirement savings at all. And of those who do have some
savings, most do not have nearly enough to maintain their standard of living
after retirement. “As of 2013, the median retirement account balance among all
households ages 55 to 64 was only $14,500. Even after excluding all households
that had saved nothing, the median account balance of near-retirement
households was still only $104,000.”1 That’s not going to last a
family very long, especially since most companies have terminated their pension
plans. In short, a huge proportion of retiring Americans are going to be
dependent on Social Security and Medicare, which the Republicans keep claiming
they want to shrink.
The dilemma most
middle- and lower-class American families have faced over the past thirty years
is the duty to spend coupled with the need to save, all in the context of
stagnant or declining wages. And what solutions have the Republicans offered
for this dilemma? Reducing taxes on the wealthy. This has been their answer to
every economic question for thirty-five years now. To borrow a term from the
title of one of my books, this is economic insanity.
What Can We Do?
So, given the
bleak future we face if we allow economic inequality to continue to balloon,
what can we do? Two courses of action are fairly obvious. First, we need to
attack the inequality at its source, and not just after the fact with
progressive taxation. We need to do something about the initial distribution of
wealth. This involves sharing profit with those who actually create it. How we
go about this isn’t as important as resolving to do it somehow. There are many
options. Businesses must stop treating workers as human resources, as a cost to
be minimized, and start treating them as human beings who deserve to be paid as
much as possible as long as this doesn’t damage the long-term viability of the
business. Ideally, this will involve sharing ownership with workers so that
they receive a fair share of the profits they create. This would enable
businesses to pay workers as much as possible, similar to how owners and
executives are paid. Some inequality will still exist. This is inevitable. And
ownership should be apportioned with such factors as seniority, skill level,
and education taken into consideration.
Sometimes we
think there is nothing we can do to rein in corporate behavior. But we must not
forget that all businesses in our economy exist by the good graces of the
people. We the people. Government is our servant, and it charters corporations;
in addition, all businesses must obtain licenses from government in order to
operate. We have all sorts of laws already that limit how enterprises of all
sizes may do business. Once upon a time, corporations were chartered in America
for the express purpose of serving a public need. We the people have the right,
if we can elect representatives in government who will do our bidding, to
restructure laws governing corporations so that they once again serve our needs
rather than just their own. There is much we can do to ensure that businesses
distribute their profits in a more equitable manner.
But encouraging
more equal pay will not completely solve all problems in our economy. There
will always be those who are ill, who are disabled, who are elderly, who are
unable, for one reason or another, to work and provide for their needs. We must
collect taxes from businesses and individuals to take care of these citizens. Leaving
this to charity simply falls far short. And beyond these humane efforts, we
have many other needs—from police protection and the common defense to roads
and highways and health services—that a civilized modern society should
provide. As I pointed out in my last post, there are many, many things even
die-hard conservatives expect government to do for them. We need to acquire the
willpower our parents and grandparents had to tax sufficiently to pay for all
the things we want and expect government to do. We are nowhere close to being
overtaxed as a society. The only sensible way to bring things back into balance
is to enact a more progressive tax code so that those who have benefited most
from the economic environment government maintains pay a larger share of taxes
than they currently do.
As mentioned
above, even if businesses distribute their wealth more equitably, there will
still be significant inequality in the system. And without the ameliorating
effects of a progressive tax code, the inequality will naturally increase over
time, as disparities in income create an exponential disparity in wealth, as we
are seeing today. In order to prevent this disparity from sinking the economy
in a sea of oversupply and underdemand, we must increase the top tax rates.
This will have the doubly positive effect of reducing our national debt and
preventing too large of an imbalance in wealth to accumulate.
So, what can we
do in the short term to help move the country in the right direction? How about
not voting into office the party that is doing everything in its power to
increase the inequality?
1. Keith Miller, David Madland, and Christian E. Weller, “The
Reality of the Retirement Crisis,” Center for American Progress, January 26,
2015, https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/report/2015/01/26/105394/the-reality-of-the-retirement-crisis/.
2. G. William Domhoff, “Wealth, Income, and Power,” Who Rules America? Available at http://www2.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/wealth.html.